Thursday, March 12, 2015

March 5, 2015

So Mrs. Lebeau and I had somewhat of a miscommunication. I was under the impression that I had the rest of the month to work with the kids, but it turns out this was their last week. I guess they are one track? I didn't even know they did year round school in Utah! I also didn't know what track meant, which explains why their was miscommunication. So the kids were nowhere near finishing their project, so I had to improvise. I took the pictures they had finished and made a big huge collaborative piece, and related it to Kandinsky instead of Chuck Close. Luckily the art looked similar to both.
So I spent the day showing this powerpoint to the kids. They seemed to really enjoy it. Then the rest of the day we went over distributive property using the area of the picture the students had created. It was a really good feeling helping them better understand math through art.

1 comment:

  1. That's a bummer that your project was cut short. Way to improvise though. It sounds like you pulled it off successfully!
